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Thanksgiving Trivia

By Ryan Walters

thanksgiving trivia

Want to liven up this Thanksgiving dinner? Thanksgiving trivia can be a great way to add some fun to the holidays. Gather the family around and start the questions. Have some prizes ready for the team or person that answers the most Thanksgiving trivia questions correctly. Enjoy!

1. In what year did the first American Thanksgiving celebration take place? A. 1900 B. 1492 C. 1621 D. 1776. -
Correct answer: C 1621

2. Where was the first American Thanksgiving celebration held? A. Plymouth, Massachusetts B. New York, New York C. Jamestown, Virginia D. Boston, Massachusetts
Correct answer: A Plymouth, Massachusetts

3. How many Pilgrims were on board the Mayflower? A. 89 B. 102 C. 185 D. 219 Correct answer: B (it is believed to be 102)

4. The Native Americans who were invited to the first Thanksgiving feast belonged to the Wampanoag tribe. Who was the chief of this tribe? A Squanto B Samoset C Cheyenne D Massasoit.
Correct answer: D Massasoit

5. How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last? A. One day B. One week C. Three days D. Four days
Correct answer: C Three days (the celebration consisted of games as well as food)

6. Which of the following were considered acceptable table manners at the First Thanksgiving? A. To spit on the ground B. To throw bones into the hearth C. To eat with your hands D. All of the above
Correct answer: D All of the above

7. Which drink was brought along in the Mayflower? A. Wine B. Beer C. Piña Coladas D. Soda.
Correct answer: B Beer

8. In 1621, which of the following foods was probably not served? A. Pumpkin pie B. Yams C. Vegetables D. Corn. -
Correct answer: A Pumpkin pie (they did not have ovens yet to bake pies)

9. In 1863, this person encouraged Abraham Lincoln to set aside the last Thursday in November as a "day for national thanksgiving and prayer." A. Martha Hale B. Betsy Ross C. Sarah Josepha Hale D. Sarah Lee.
Correct answer: C Sarah Josepha Hale

10. What does the term "Cornucopia" mean? A. Corn husks B. Horn of plenty C. A Greek god D. A traditional corn dish.
Correct answer: B Horn of plenty

11.True or False: Thanksgiving is only celebrated in the United States.
False: Canada also celebrates a Thanksgiving Day.

12. Approximately how many feathers does a mature turkey have? A. 500 B. 1,000 C. 3,500 D. 4,000
Correct answer: C 3,500 feathers

13. Which president proposed the turkey as a national symbol? A. Thomas Jefferson B. George Washington C. Abraham Lincoln D. Benjamin Franklin.
Correct answer: D Benjamin Franklin

14. Which state produces the most turkeys annually? A. Alabama B. North Carolina C. Missouri D. Arkansas
Correct answer: B North Carolina

15. Approximately what percentage of American homes eats turkey on Thanksgiving? A. 90% B. 75% C. 50% D. 30%
Correct answer: A 90%

16. In English, turkeys say "gobble gobble." What do turkeys say in Portuguese? A. Cluck Cluck B. Groo Groo C. Gluglugluglu D. Krull Krull. -
Correct answer: C Gluglugluglu

17. Where was the turkey first domesticated? A. Brazil B. Mexico and Central America C. Asia D. China. -
Correct answer: B Mexico and Central America

18. The Greek goddess of corn is: A. Ceres B. Cornucopia C. Demeter D. Grainoph.
Correct answer: C Demeter

19. How fast can wild turkeys run? A. 15 mph B. 55 mph C. 5 mph D. 25 mph.
Correct answer: D 25 mph

20. Which country consumes the most turkey per year per capita? A. United States B. Israel C. Mexico D. Germany.
Correct answer: B Israel

You can look through history books and magazines to find more Thanksgiving trivia. Holding this game for the family will be a learning experience for all involved. You're bound to have some fun with Thanksgiving trivia too!

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