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The Thanksgiving Tradition of Trail Mix

By Lance Winslow

the thanksgiving tradition of trail mix

Not long ago a gentleman and his wife were on a very popular online forum and they were complaining that the Fifth Grade Teacher of their twins indicated that she would be spending Thanksgiving alone and having trail mix. The parents were horrified and called the school, because of the importance of this holiday and the tradition it represented.

You see the parents went to the Store and bought a big turkey and planned on having a huge Thanksgiving Feast to keep with the family tradition. I found this interesting because I was traveling during the previous Thanksgiving and there was no way I could make it to family in time. So, I had some trail mix myself that day and a vegetable platter, some sushi and clam chowder with some spices and such?

And my ancestor is Edward Winslow who had the First Harvest Feast in America, he invented it along with Bradford and Brewster and the boys. Too much L-tryptophan makes you tired. Could not make it back to the family due to travel and schedule.

Knowing history and practicing tradition are different right? I mean if you really want to celebrate Thanksgiving, go hunt four dear, some wild birds, bake some break and grow some corn and call up 90 native Americans to come enjoy a feast? And to think these people called the school to put the teacher on notice? Hmm? What is the world coming too. Why didn’t they invite the teacher over and give thanks to her too? Oh well, I hope this article propels thought into 2007.

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