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New Thanksgiving Tradition

By Lisa Moore

new thanksgiving tradition

The time of year is approaching when we all gather around the Thanksgiving table. We give thanks, fill our bellies, watch football and parades, and enjoy our time with the people around us. Well, there is one more "Thanksgiving tradition" we can add to the mix. Saving money & time by shopping online.

The advantages to incorporating this new tradition are threefold. First, you just had arguably the largest meal of your life the night before, you should sleep in. You are on vacation aren't you? Watch the game or the parade at your leisure. No matter how early we get up and try to avoid the crowds, you will eventually hit the "people traffic" by the time you get to the 3rd or 4th store. Why not, sleep in, wake up, and go online. Hey, you can even wear your pajamas. Second, you just flown or driven hundreds of miles to celebrate with the ones you love. Why spend that time in long store lines talking or listening to some stranger? We always think, we have the list of gift ideas, we will get in and get out in no time. Well, we get to the store and suddenly the picture is not as pretty as "in and out".

A more accurate picture is lots of people, disorganization, unmarked price tags and man I wish they had that sweater in a medium instead of a large. Can I get a gift receipt? Why go through the stress? Some may say, well I found everything I wanted, but the lines were so long. Then there is always that one person. They are either the one yapping on their cell phone about their personal life or the one who talks to you no matter how many times you try to pretend you don't hear them. You are screaming inside, please open a new line, please open a new line. Keep in mind this may be the first store on your list of three or four. "In and out" is no longer the concept it once was, rather it has morphed.

The best approach in today's shopping is to go online. You can find your store, the savings, then your items, add them to your cart and proceed to checkout. You can even get a gift receipt. You can do this at as many stores as you need to. There has to be over hundreds available online. You may even find some newer ones that offer the same product, but at a better price! Don't we love the feeling of a great deal? Plus, we got our loved ones the gift they wanted and enjoyed spending our precious vacation time with them. Thirdly, most of us spend hours online anyways checking email, chatting or gaming. Why not kill two birds with one stone? While there, stop at some of your favorite online stores and enjoy the savings that are available.

Some say that retailers have the best sales the next day, but you have to show up to enjoy these deals. This is not necessarily true and besides is that extra 10% off worth the stress of the in store experience? Many retailers are making the same coupons or offers online. As a matter of fact, some savings can only be redeemed "online". Retailers finally understand the advantages of online coupons and deals and they should. According to Forrester's research study, "$259 billion of online sales including travel are expected in 2007 in USA, a 18 percent increase from the previous year..." Is the expression, everyone else is doing it, so why don't we, entering your mind?

So this Thanksgiving as you are enjoying your family, food, parades and football add one more tradition...Saving money online shopping.

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