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Thanksgiving Decorations and Crafts for this Holiday Season

By Gail Leino

thanksgiving decorations and crafts for this holiday season

Thanksgiving decorations and crafts tailored to the holiday season seems a dime a dozen but one way a party preparer can grasp the eye of the party partaker still remains in how personal the crafts or decorations become. Whether the crafts are handcrafted nametags or a purchased product to symbolize a pertinent memory, the ultimate goal is to set the feel of the holiday scene and grab the attention of the guest.

Family gatherings are a great time to reminisce.

Old photos are the easiest way to jog a lingering memory but they are not always the easiest to come by. Describe the scene to a child and have a picture drawn or break out the old photo box and pull out what you can find.

Not only are our memories triggered by what we see but also what we smell. Thanksgiving has a unique smell, the smell of food! The best decorations can sometimes be the food and how it is displayed. Tablecloths and centerpieces to accent the season can be of elegance through colors and scene.

Words that come to mind in association with Thanksgiving can include fall items such as sharing, friends and family, the colors of orange, yellow and brown, acorns, leaves, horns of plenty, and foods that go along with turkey like squash, stuffing, and pumpkin pie.

These things although important are not what describe the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Keeping friends and family alike close to your heart and in your prayers while you decide how to prepare for your gathering will lead you to ultimate success in your preparations.

Ask for help if you feel overwhelmed and appreciate the diversity in opinions of others to keep your heart and soul at ease this holiday.All too often we forget what the goal of the gathering is and get so stressed out that nobody can enjoy simply being together.

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