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Popular Thanksgiving Cards Themes Easy to Craft

By Colin Joss

popular thanksgiving cards themes easy to craft

Telling the people you love why you are thankful for them in your life once a year just does not seem like enough. However, it typically is how often people take the time to do it. This year why not take some of the most popular Thanksgiving cards you can find at a store and explore how to make them your own? The themes of Thanksgiving cards today are easy to recreate!

The autumn season is by far the most rustic and bold of the seasons. Rich colors and pungent smells awake the senses. Take your Thanksgiving cards and add photos of local landscapes or a backyard leaf (just make sure to check for bugs). If you are hand delivering your Thanksgiving cards, then spray on a spritz of candy apple perfume or fall air freshener to add a pleasant surprise! Accentuating autumn is a particularly good tip when you are sending Thanksgiving cards to those who live in climates without a full fall season.

The turkey is another popular theme of many Thanksgiving cards. As most of us can remember from our own childhood, the hand turkey is a traditional craft of the season. Spruce yours up with faux feathers and glimmer paint to bring your hand turkey to a new level of sophistication. If you have young children, be sure to involve them and have them create their own Thanksgiving cards with simple hand outlines to share with classmates and friends.

Thanksgiving cards are also used for invitations to Thanksgiving dinner. In this case, the meal should be the main focus. Highlight a family recipe or ask opinions on which dishes to prepare and you create an interactive invitation for guests to enjoy! This is also a great way for larger families to make a huge gathering feel more intimate with the personal touches started by the invitations. Also, the host gets the opportunity to do a head count for necessary meal preparations.

Going traditional in celebrations back to the age of the Pilgrims is another way to theme your Thanksgiving cards. Consider highlighting the history of the holiday by writing exerts or including articles. Include pictures of traditional dress or historic colonial dishes. When sharing thanks with families of young children, this is a fun way to encourage learning more about the holiday while being included in the grown up activity of sending Thanksgiving cards!

This year when you go to pick out your Thanksgiving cards, simply browse the aisle and think to yourself, how can I make this card my own? Using popular themes still celebrate tradition while giving you an opportunity to share a little bit about yourself and your family. On the other hand, if you are looking for a new, innovative way to express thanks in your Thanksgiving cards this year, then use these suggestions as ideas to steer away from. No matter what type of Thanksgiving cards you choose to buy, craft, or recreate, sharing thanks in any form is a warm feeling, satisfying tradition.

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