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Did You Send Your Thanksgiving Cards?

By Tom Domin

did you send your thanksgiving cards

If you didn't, plan on doing just that this coming Thanksgiving. You're probably a Mortgage Professional, why in the world would I send Thanksgiving Day cards?

The answer is...because you want to be different! You want people to remember you! You want to stand-out from the rest of the crowd! You want to present your message at a time and place when people can and will take notice. To do that, you need to think differently than most other people in business. You need to send Thanksgiving Day cards.

Here are some facts to consider. The average family receives anywhere from 10 to 22 Christmas cards and the average business receives about 21 to 42 cards. If your card is apart of that mix, it's just going to get lost in the shuffle. Your card may not even make it to its rightfully esteemed place...the card display on the family mantle.

But, how many Thanksgiving Day cards did you receive last year? If you're anything like me, probably none, zilch, zero. And, this is what I'm talking about. Here's the perfect opportunity to make a statement and have people take notice of you and your business. Send Thanksgiving Day cards to your customers, prospects, and contacts instead of the same old traditional year ending Christmas/New Year card.

I'm sure you know how to send a greeting card...but the Internet does give you a couple more options that you may want to consider.

Option #1: The traditional method - Shop and buy your Thanksgiving Day cards, sign them, address them, and then mail them.

Option #2: The electronic card or eCard (Emailed) - Just Google "greeting cards" or "Thanksgiving Day cards, choose a supplier, pick a greeting card, edit your card and message, enter the email addresses of the folks you wish to send, pay as required (remember, free isn't always the best quality), and then send it!

The disadvantages to this option are that the card is truly electronic or digital with no hard copy, is geared more for viewing by a single individual rather than a family or husband and wife, and there's no continuing marketing value. Your card has a very short life...once your card is viewed; it's probably going to be "deleted."

Option #3: The electronic card (Mailed) - Although the steps involved are exactly the same as in the previous option, in this option you would provide the names and mailing addresses instead of email addresses. The card is actually printed with your details and mailed for you.

If you hate addressing cards like I do...this is a great option and can be used for other occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries. You just need to supply a good mailing list. In my humble that are humorous and/or animated should probably be reserved for occasions other than Thanksgiving and the year ending holidays. In the end's your call!

Lots of websites provide free access to cards. Large sites like,, and also offer free cards. Many of these sites have paid membership subscription areas if you're looking for attractive and quality cards for your mortgage customers and prospects. It's sometimes worth the addition expense for a timely, professional, and truly unique card to carry your mortgage marketing message.

Here's hoping that you'll continue to think outside the box, and that your mortgage business is a huge success!

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